Today woke up, didn't feel like going to school.
Came to school early and felt so sleepy.
DM never come again, I wondered where have he been.
Mother Tongue, teacher's on MC. Boreddd.
English , wth? So boring watch movie! Make me wanna sleep.
The movie called " Final Approach ". What kind of movie is that?
FBI, shooting and punching each other , kidnapping and killing.
Math 3period. Oh man, so long can! Listen and listen to teacher.
Do our work for long, asked teacher. Can make me go mad.
But well, I totally understood the lesson Yo! Good for me :D
Tomorrow math test for cylinder. I think I remember how to do, I better.
Gonna spouts nonsense if I failed the test. Is added to test marks kay!
CPA. Combine class, as the another group, Mr Yee not in school.
Know what? I'm the first one to finish both works and I help my best friend :D
So we both done! :D hahahha. Then get free time already. Yahooo!
While playing the computer , stupid ass classmate knock on me on the back.
The chair hit my back laaa! Damn pain! Idiot! My back already hurts a lot and now they hit me again, can cry you know! Say sorry also won't help either. Gahhh!
I tell the teacher to asked them to stop playing ! So the teacher help me (:
After that, we are dismiss. Walk to Bishan Active ! The place is nice.
Played there for awhile. Then went to Best Friend house to take something.
She walked me till the nearest bus stop. Then I walk myself. I had fun today! :D
And oh, the boys from my class is band from going to the point already.
Just because someone's psp lost after Best friend and I left.
Anyway, it's not our class fault what. They must be responsible with their own things.
kinda stupid though. Take care of your own things la, don't blame on others.
That time hp lost , now psp lost. Maybe they eat up , lame la they all!
My class friends does not seem to be bother either. They say they will come again.
Buh-Bye ! Wooohooo! :D

Today woke up, didn't feel like going to school.
Came to school early and felt so sleepy.
DM never come again, I wondered where have he been.
Mother Tongue, teacher's on MC. Boreddd.
English , wth? So boring watch movie! Make me wanna sleep.
The movie called " Final Approach ". What kind of movie is that?
FBI, shooting and punching each other , kidnapping and killing.
Math 3period. Oh man, so long can! Listen and listen to teacher.
Do our work for long, asked teacher. Can make me go mad.
But well, I totally understood the lesson Yo! Good for me :D
Tomorrow math test for cylinder. I think I remember how to do, I better.
Gonna spouts nonsense if I failed the test. Is added to test marks kay!
CPA. Combine class, as the another group, Mr Yee not in school.
Know what? I'm the first one to finish both works and I help my best friend :D
So we both done! :D hahahha. Then get free time already. Yahooo!
While playing the computer , stupid ass classmate knock on me on the back.
The chair hit my back laaa! Damn pain! Idiot! My back already hurts a lot and now they hit me again, can cry you know! Say sorry also won't help either. Gahhh!
I tell the teacher to asked them to stop playing ! So the teacher help me (:
After that, we are dismiss. Walk to Bishan Active ! The place is nice.
Played there for awhile. Then went to Best Friend house to take something.
She walked me till the nearest bus stop. Then I walk myself. I had fun today! :D
And oh, the boys from my class is band from going to the point already.
Just because someone's psp lost after Best friend and I left.
Anyway, it's not our class fault what. They must be responsible with their own things.
kinda stupid though. Take care of your own things la, don't blame on others.
That time hp lost , now psp lost. Maybe they eat up , lame la they all!
My class friends does not seem to be bother either. They say they will come again.
Buh-Bye ! Wooohooo! :D
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