This picture below is not edited at all, its a flash ! :D wooohoo! So bright! hahah.

school as usual. Assemble in the parade square with no DM. I think he never come. A lot of are happy, because if not they get caught by DM. After assembly, whooosh. Mr Hafiz scolded our class. Cause my class making trouble. such as playing and be rude to teachers. duh! not me okay, I'm a good girl (: hahaha. Science , get back our test paper. Thank goodness I passed! Wooohoo! :D happy y'know. Home Economics was next, we cooked shepherd's pie. It looks great, hehs. And oh my! I failed my Home Economics test by 4marks. wth? Haven't get the test paper yet , but i only asked the teacher. Waited for friend in the next group. Wth sial, so slow ! Their group every time very very slow. Damn it! Went home after that. Homed. Bathe,change,eat and went out. Met Melissa at Bishan bus stop, sat there awhile. message David, and he said he never come. So, Melissa and I waited for Winnie to come. Its really really slow , can probably shoot yourself while waiting for her. laughs* We cannot take it and we soon went to Jericho youth centre. WOW! there's a lot of people. Yeah Yeah, covered with my class :D hahhaha. Went there for awhile only, cause bestfriend need to go early. 4plus then go home. Today not fun at all ! grrr.
Well, Saturday and Sunday is not fun either.
I make card for this two days:D cause i have nothing to do.
And also took pictures, sing song, watch vcds and watch tv.
But i never study at all. naughty naughty me! well, i got no mood to study.
I'm tired for the past 5 days of school. can make me go crazy! really.
byebye! :D i don't wish to update anymore for today. lazy.

school as usual. Assemble in the parade square with no DM. I think he never come. A lot of are happy, because if not they get caught by DM. After assembly, whooosh. Mr Hafiz scolded our class. Cause my class making trouble. such as playing and be rude to teachers. duh! not me okay, I'm a good girl (: hahaha. Science , get back our test paper. Thank goodness I passed! Wooohoo! :D happy y'know. Home Economics was next, we cooked shepherd's pie. It looks great, hehs. And oh my! I failed my Home Economics test by 4marks. wth? Haven't get the test paper yet , but i only asked the teacher. Waited for friend in the next group. Wth sial, so slow ! Their group every time very very slow. Damn it! Went home after that. Homed. Bathe,change,eat and went out. Met Melissa at Bishan bus stop, sat there awhile. message David, and he said he never come. So, Melissa and I waited for Winnie to come. Its really really slow , can probably shoot yourself while waiting for her. laughs* We cannot take it and we soon went to Jericho youth centre. WOW! there's a lot of people. Yeah Yeah, covered with my class :D hahhaha. Went there for awhile only, cause bestfriend need to go early. 4plus then go home. Today not fun at all ! grrr.
Well, Saturday and Sunday is not fun either.
I make card for this two days:D cause i have nothing to do.
And also took pictures, sing song, watch vcds and watch tv.
But i never study at all. naughty naughty me! well, i got no mood to study.
I'm tired for the past 5 days of school. can make me go crazy! really.
byebye! :D i don't wish to update anymore for today. lazy.
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