18 august 2008
School was fine. During assembly, DM called the 26 girls. Something to do with their fringe. I think so. Well, last Friday my bestfriend was call out. She's being used for example to teach the rest about the school image. At first i thought she get into trouble, but in the end no. Hahaha. Examples, proper socks, proper hairstyle, skirt length and shirt been tuck in properly. I see, she's a good girl yaww. She's always being praise by the DM. But she doesn't like cause the DM keep on saying about her. hahah. It's good to be praise. hehs. Alright, enough of this. First period was Mother Tongue, it was a very fun lesson. During Mother Tongue lesson, we always joke around. Next was English, ohgoshhhhh. Our teacher came back already laaa. Super bored I can say. She didn't attend school for months or weeks I guess. She's pregnant and I think she fell and been send to the hospital. Thats reason she's not in school. It was a nightmare having that teacher. Sigh, what to do? Seriously, nothing I can do. We just have to be patience with this teacher. She's pregnant and on september maybe the baby's coming out. Well, I heard that from ms goh. Its so soon. After she gave birth, she will probably be out of school again. Of cause la, need to take some rest before going anywhere. Mock test is given , I think its kinda easy. I hope i can pass the test. Oh. Principal was identifying on our class lately. She kept looking around outside our class. My class turns out quiet after seeing the principal. They were probably scared, y'know. hahahha. Know how to make noise, but they are coward. hahahha. Don't blame me for saying that, its true anyway. Recess followed by math 3 periods, dead man! sick of it. always paying attention in the class in order to understand. ok next was CPA. used computer to do things, print out 4pages. Gahh. dumbass sebastian irritate me. He keep on asking me to help him cause he certainly didn't listen at all. Exams, he seriously can't ask people for help. Dismiss at 2.10pm. Went straight to another lab to wait for friend. HELL YEAH , the group always been dismiss late. shitty!
19 august 2008Went to school again. I was a sleepyheadyyy. laughs* Don't really feel like going to school today. Had morning runs, RoaR! Needed to run 8rounds but turns out I ran 9rounds, cause both teacher ask me to run 1extra round. Faint la. After running, I was sweating all the way. idiotttttttts. Drank my water and it nearly finished. then there's no more water for me while i step into the class. Social studies was kinda okay i guess. Not that overly boring. Hear teacher talking, watch videos about the topic and do the drawing. next is English, B-O-R-I-N-G! Need to do 2 composition. what the hell right? tired of writing, first paper i wrote 100+ words and same goes to the other one. one is about "fighting" and another one is about "two ladies were badly burn in mishap". lol. math, cut two papers to learn something. well i did that :D kinda fun though. Science, i really do not pay attention. I don't know whats going on. alright dumb. CPA, join group again. Was doing my work on the computer , didn't get it what we are suppose to do. Ask teacher also, can't be bother. They don't even hear us. or ignore us. So I roll around the lab with my chair to ask for help. one by one say " i don't know, he help me ". When i ask the person, they give me that sentence again. after that i was going back to my place, the teacher was behind, am i so small that he can't see me? he's the one who walk pass me and i accidentally hit him. then he say " stand up! stand up! , no chairs for you." Duh, can you don't be lame please. out of mind one. he says another five minutes then you take your chair back. then i don't care about him, i take my chair and sit. Why i am suppose to listen to him? whatever luhhhhhh. We did something for teacher's day. Type a message for our form teachers, I wrote for Mr Hafiz yo. then send to friend's hotmail, cause he need to make all in one. dismiss after that. gahhhhhhhhhhh. I'm having headache plus sneezing. So not cool ogay.
Shittttttts. Tomorrow got science test, yet I didn't study AT ALL. If i fail i'm dead. whooooosh.
20 august 2008
school was not great. should tell about something that happen. During English class, ms vani change my bestfriend sit with Leonard. What the hell? Go and die la. So i have to sit with him throughout the lesson. Others people sit she don't want to change, why must change us? Sigh, never mind la. Tomorrow, we will sit at our normal place. I don't care. what you want to say, you might else well talk to the wall. Cos we wouldn't want to listen to you. hahaha. Recess , take height and weight. My class who is not involved, kpo kpo come. During math class, while we were sitting. Suddenly, Zhun Shang vomited. ohmygosh ahhh, damn disgusting cannnn. Some more its quite near our table. When i see it, i also felt like vomiting. When its already bell ring, Bestfriend and I took him to the general office. And the class is like all over the school. They don't know where to go, and soon we saw the teacher. We all went to the library to do our work since mr hafiz didn't come. Did our work and after its done, we hand-in to the teacher. Overly , it was like almost all the boys played what game i don't know la, they must be quiet at all times. and if they talk, they will get beat up. hahha. They run all over the library. I know its kinda mad. soon, our class being send out of the library cos of our noisiness. lol. the girls never do anything also the same. We have to go to c15 for our lessons. Go through answers and they start playing the same game again. Its very rowdy and noisy. It's kinda funny looking at them. even the teacher laugh :D Next was Assembly, this is the most hatest period of all. I hate it man, rowdy and hot like no fan. sweating always while i'm in there. well, they talk about their trip to- Johor, China-wuhan, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. Tired of hearing them and it seriously doesn't entertain me, it was hell bored ok! Dismiss early, at about 1plus. Went to homeroom to do some stuff. At 2plus we get out of the school. It was raining and suddenly when I was walking, I fell. Fucktup. Ass pain la man!!! Idiots. Slippery, thats why i fell. Shoes wet and dirty D: Took 54 homed. And I am still SICK. Sneezing is the most hating part.
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