Yesterday , math period was last 3periods.
We do math workbook & some worksheets.
I'm so stress , almost give up already.
The teacher give me back the worksheet that i just hand-up.
I get all wrong !
I don't even understand what teacher have teach me.
I Just don't get what she mean.
We do quiz before we start the test.
Was having math test yesterday, I only know how to do 2pages.
But the last two pages , i don't know how to do.
Simply just try and try , but still can't.
Its okay lah , will ask miss chew for help when i need her.
Math is getting more and more difficult.
Er , maybe. I think it is not.
I'm so sick about angles , there's so much thing to cover.
But luckily chapter of angles have finish.
Still come out during exam , gonna work real hard on angles.
angles carries so much marks. going to achieve it.
& yesterday , at home.
I've got math homework to do , there's nothing in myhead.
i anyhow scribble , cause i don't know how to do it.
end up , in my workbook. I never write anything in the angles page.
so , i keep it. & the next day , i return to teacher.
Tsk Tsk!
Today learn new topic in math class , " Area and Perimeter".
WoOoHoOo ! Damn easy lah sey! :D
Today is Friday , Never attend swimming with my friends.
Two person is always excuse by PE , so there no need to attend.
Just now , me & Melissa never go.
All other of my classmates , who never swim must follow.
But only we both ! good huh.
We both stay at the library with two person who can't take PE.
It is getting more and more bored in the library.
me , Melissa and one more boy from our class is walking here and there.
sitting there and getting up , talk to teacher.
and acting crazy , so funny lah! :D
Never attend my new CCA yesterday.
so must attend it on 16/8/07 , which it on Thursday.
Next week we need not attend library because it is national day!
Yay ! Holiday Holiday ! (:
When i'm in the library with Melissa and other friend.
Ms Chew come to the library.
So , she teach me one worksheet which it on angles.
it was already recess time , but still i ask her to continue teaching.
so when the whole worksheet have finish , i can go recess.
& Melissa have buy the food for me.
Actually i need to stayback after school , but if finish doing.
Then there's no need for me to stay.
Today i'm so tired even though i did not go for swimming.
why huh ? so damn sleepy ! & i have a panda eyes! -__- !
English period was so boring , Do SRA reading kid.
Do do do until it reach to the very top!
Hahaha , wanted to sleep in class just now.
but teacher was walking around here and there.
Almost sleep just now!
After school , i went home with Melissa.
Take 52 home! [:
buy bubble tea before going home.
Reach home , bathe!
After that play computer for awhile.
& then i sleep ! Hoho [x
Sleep at 6pm+ , and wake up at 7.30pm ;
after that watch "kinship" , it was chinese show.
I love the show. (:
We do math workbook & some worksheets.
I'm so stress , almost give up already.
The teacher give me back the worksheet that i just hand-up.
I get all wrong !
I don't even understand what teacher have teach me.
I Just don't get what she mean.
We do quiz before we start the test.
Was having math test yesterday, I only know how to do 2pages.
But the last two pages , i don't know how to do.
Simply just try and try , but still can't.
Its okay lah , will ask miss chew for help when i need her.
Math is getting more and more difficult.
Er , maybe. I think it is not.
I'm so sick about angles , there's so much thing to cover.
But luckily chapter of angles have finish.
Still come out during exam , gonna work real hard on angles.
angles carries so much marks. going to achieve it.
& yesterday , at home.
I've got math homework to do , there's nothing in myhead.
i anyhow scribble , cause i don't know how to do it.
end up , in my workbook. I never write anything in the angles page.
so , i keep it. & the next day , i return to teacher.
Tsk Tsk!
Today learn new topic in math class , " Area and Perimeter".
WoOoHoOo ! Damn easy lah sey! :D
Today is Friday , Never attend swimming with my friends.
Two person is always excuse by PE , so there no need to attend.
Just now , me & Melissa never go.
All other of my classmates , who never swim must follow.
But only we both ! good huh.
We both stay at the library with two person who can't take PE.
It is getting more and more bored in the library.
me , Melissa and one more boy from our class is walking here and there.
sitting there and getting up , talk to teacher.
and acting crazy , so funny lah! :D
Never attend my new CCA yesterday.
so must attend it on 16/8/07 , which it on Thursday.
Next week we need not attend library because it is national day!
Yay ! Holiday Holiday ! (:
When i'm in the library with Melissa and other friend.
Ms Chew come to the library.
So , she teach me one worksheet which it on angles.
it was already recess time , but still i ask her to continue teaching.
so when the whole worksheet have finish , i can go recess.
& Melissa have buy the food for me.
Actually i need to stayback after school , but if finish doing.
Then there's no need for me to stay.
Today i'm so tired even though i did not go for swimming.
why huh ? so damn sleepy ! & i have a panda eyes! -__- !
English period was so boring , Do SRA reading kid.
Do do do until it reach to the very top!
Hahaha , wanted to sleep in class just now.
but teacher was walking around here and there.
Almost sleep just now!
After school , i went home with Melissa.
Take 52 home! [:
buy bubble tea before going home.
Reach home , bathe!
After that play computer for awhile.
& then i sleep ! Hoho [x
Sleep at 6pm+ , and wake up at 7.30pm ;
after that watch "kinship" , it was chinese show.
I love the show. (:
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