Jerico Youth Centre.
None of the picture is edited.
Video is below.

Thats all for today, bye. I'm gonna sleep soon.
it's already 11.59pm. *sleepy*.
Video is below.

school, bored.
Hac, run 6rounds. Faint.
Didn't take 2.4km ; Will take next week.
Had science test today, ohgosh.
I seriously should say this, I will fail.
Cause I don't know how to do.
Alright, teacher will shout at me I guess.
Oh. I love today :D
hahahah. I'm dead beat.
But I do have a lot of fun today.
Yes, Its true. It was like the very best day of my life. hahs.
After school, went back home.
Bathe, change then go meet my friends at Junction8.
Time by time, friends come.
Didn't know where to go and search for another friend.
We couldn't find him at all. He was like missing.
So we walk to our school and try to find him. But still he's not there.
We decided to go someone's house. In he's house, talk to him.
After that we all go out together. He ride a bicycle and carry a bag.
Because he need to go for practice later.
From he's house, we went to Junction8 back.
It was really hot. And I'm sweating all the way.
Saw Jaslyn, we walk with her.
She was going to lead us to go to Jerico Youth Centre.
But sad to say, she's not sure about the place either.
lol. We were lost after walking. Jaslyn called someone.
Then after walking again, we saw ansel.
Then after walking again, we saw ansel.
Ansel took us to the place. The place is nice ! :D
And we saw , yongchern is already there.
At first it was normal, then we went crazy.
hahhahah. I love it I love it! :D
Watch the show " Jumper ". Didn't watch that much.
Most probably we were talking. (:
Really it was the as watching movies the cinema.
Had drinks and popcorns given by them. Thanks! :) Free somemore. hahhaha.
Awhile later, Jaslyn had to go ): how sad can that be.
We played games, music instruments and more.
I enjoy it okay! :D hehs. Took some photos and videos.
Only 12people in our class came there.
There were-
Melissa,Yingting,Winnie,Alistair,Choon kiat,WeiCong,Fairuz,Robin,Deva,Mathavan, YongChern and I.
And the people, David, Jaslyn, Ansel and I don't know who else.
I want to go there again! :D I love them. They are great people! :D
Out of the place at 8plus. Walk with friends and David.
Had a good talk with him. After that all go home.
YingTing and I went to Junction8 to buy food.
KFC! I long time never eat okay! :/
Went home after that. Home at 9plus.
Was outside this morning at 6am+ till 9pm+. So long ok!
I'm really exhausted la.. Tomorrow still need to go school.
Thats all for today, bye. I'm gonna sleep soon.
it's already 11.59pm. *sleepy*.