School as usual, assemble in the morning.
After that was math, we had test.
Ohmygosh. I can say it's easy.
Not really a test i guess, cause a lot of people asked teacher for answers.
Maybe next week we having another test.
Science was next, I'm so sorry to say that it was bored.
Teacher say that our test is coming soon.
I'm seriously not ready for the test. I'm not that sure with my work.
Better study for science or I will fail !
I cannot take it eh. A lot of test coming.
Home Economics, we cook cookies with different shapes and sizes.
Such as- Heart shapes, flowers and stars. hehs.
We put walnut in the cookie. So fun doing it today :)
After sch, went to look for Mr Hafiz.
But he said he was busy.
So all of us went to Junction8 separate ways.
Yingting, Melissa and Me went to walk shortcut.
And the rest walk the long way.
We reach first then a few minutes later they appear.
Winnie treat us! Thank you Thank you.
Ate Roti Prata. And soon after we finish eating.
We walked somewhere and suddenly all go where i don't know.
So we must look for eachother by calling their phone.
Finally , all get through. Took 52 with Melissa and Alison.
Melissa called her mum and asked if she can go for the road relay.
But her mum doesn't let her. tsk tsk.
So Alison and I alighted at the same place.
She walked through the bishan park. And I went home.
I bathe and change to home clothes. Then straight to bishan park.
Kinda far. Must walk very long way.
Minghui call me, asking me where I am.
they say they were lost. lol! after a few minutes I saw them.
at first, I wanted to go home. Cause nobody went there with me.
But finally they come. They say they walk from street 13.
Ohmygosh. That's far. hahhaha. It's raining half way.
But not that heavy. Went to look for our friends.
And we saw WEIXIANG running. Fast siol! xD
After that when he finish, we walk at him.
He was looking so freaking tired and sweating all over him.
Pity you okay! heh hehs! We talked to all the teacher that we know.
At about 5pm, they announce which group is the winner.
And I'm proud to say, The 2T1 boys actually made it! :D hhohoh.
5th, but at least they get something! :D Congratulations boys! :)
Went home straight after it ends. Mr Yee send my friends home.
I walked home alone. Aww, sad rights? loner , lol.
I walked then I run , I walked then I run again. Wth? cause it's raining.
Home at 5plus. My legs are pain eventhough I didn't run long distance.
When I was there, DM-Mr goh asked me why never tie hair.
hahhaha. He was just joking. It's public. of cause I can not tie hair.
He say why keep long hair, waste shampoo.
Keep short hair, save shampoo. The DM laugh, and I laughed too.
Btw, the winner of the this year is the boys and girls athletics.
Ohmy. Surely goooooood runner.
None of 2T1 girls run. Cause all lazy already.
I'm one of them. Last year run, this year don't want.
Tiring you know! I felt it once I ran last year.
Maybe I will run next year. Hope soooo.
But there's not enough girls in my class. Only 5girls.
So extremely little.
Had a great day though it was tiring.
Bye. My bones are cracking. As if!
stupid friendster having problem.
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