I'm so damn tired now.
Just finish doing my housework.
Cleaning my house from 2.30pm to 10.30pm ):
Break fast at 6.56pm then finish eating after that continue again.
Hari Raya is coming soon , so i will get more busy.
& some more exam is still going on.
Have to study for math. ):
Maybe tomorrow will continue doing.
Yesterday paper is D&T , the paper is so hard.
only the drawing part but all is easy! :D
& yesterday , melissa mom and dad take me to school in their car.
Thanks once again [:
& yesterday ! , my friend quarrel with another friend of mine.
This is so like .. Why do they quarrel over a small things.
it can be settle easily right? why must you both quarrel.
okay! i hope you both will be friends again.
Just like me [:
message for my bestfriend : Don't worry , friend. anything will be alright.
okay ? Loves ♥ :D
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