at 1pm+.
me,my sis&my nephew when out to meet kelly.
after we meet them.
kelly family when to their chinese temple with us.
they were praying over there.
but me,my sis&my nephew doesnt wan to go inside the temple.
we just wait for them to finish their praying.
and then we go to kelly house.
we go to kelly house by cab.
reach already. we go inside kelly house.
after that we talk & watch tv.
and then we & kelly family eat.
finish eating. my nephew hafiz.
play with kelly the meimei.
they play with each other untill it is time to go home.
kelly the meimei have lots of toys.
and i bet that hafiz love them.
hahahs. their house got two dogs.
i was scared cause i cannot get near them & i scared that the dogs might hit their nose to our legs or something.
haha. xD
6pm+ its the time to go home.
we when home and the time is 7plus already.
i have quite a fun day today.
okay thats all. :D
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