Some pictures i took yesterday and today! :D
My new Hair(:

Yesterday when out at 5pm+ & come back home at 11pm+.
Very long right. haha.
when out to eat at INDONESIA stall.
The food is nice. I eat 2bowl of rice.
Cause i'm hungry(:
and then me & my family go for a walk walk after finish eating.
My father buy a ADIDAS jacket.
We buy perfume & and then go out of the shop.
The place got many INDONESIA MAID & BANGLA DESH.
Ewww. the indonesia maid , whan act pretty & the Bangla desh want act Handsome.
Like whatever. ahhahahha.
After that we go to angmokio hub buy something.
Finish Buying then I go trim my hair.
its nice. Yay! :D
My hair is short anyway.
And then go watch movie at the cinema at 9.15pm To 11pm.
I only watch with my sister and mum.
Cause dad go home already.
i sit in the middle while my sister & mum sit beside me.
the show is so scary.
its malay show. " Jangan Pandang Belakang".
Which mean " Don't Look Behind".
Scary yet watch at night.
Cause 7.15pm the show start. & we are still at other place.
Thats why we watch at 9.15pm.
When i get back home.
& i sleep. I dream of the scary show.
So scared ! i was like ksdfhasjkdhada.
And then suddenly , my mum wake me up.
cause its already time for me to go to school.
Luckily (:
okay , Bye !
blog again soon(:
Takecare everyone.