HELLO.its been a long time since i blog again.ive being lazy to blog. haha.let me blog from the day i haven blog yet.xD"Last Last Friday that is on 2February2007"after school ive met my primary school friend.that is Oh Wan Ling.i miss her damn lots!&&im so happy to see her.she's from peicai secondary.i meet her at junction8 at 1pm+.after that we go eat.and then when we finish eating we go walk walk at there.after that go home lorr. not so much time.must go home fast.hahas. xDYESTERDAY! :DDD
im so happy yesterday!
we finish lesson at 11.30am.
and then we have a concert on Chinese New Year celebration.
it was fun although it have so little performance.
Siew Ping from CAMPUS SUPERSTAR sing at our school because she's from my secondary school wat. i love her singing. (((:
very nice. &&she's so Cute! [:
after the concert we all can go home.
the DM let us go at 12.40pm.
our school suppose to finishat 12.50pm.
but the DM let us go 10minute early.
yay! muahaha.
after that me&winnie go to our Jing shan primary school where we learn there for 6years.
when we reach there.
we saw so many our primary school friends!
im so happy la can!? (:
i miss them so much.
i saw Yilin,Pearlyn,vivian,zhilong,mustaqim,rauda,shafiqah,khairunisa&many more.
cant say it out so much. haha.
okay happy!
chinese new year then go inside.
if not cannot go in uh.
bored la!
i go to the canteen and then the OM chase us out.
like shit lorr!
he say we can only look for teachers.
&&i saw asyiq.
that is my friend who retain back to jing shan primary school again.
he was like so "MALU" to face other of his friends from jing shan primary last year.
after that i saw MR MOK! my favourite teacher. he was the one who teach me untill i pass.
last year i get some scolding for him. but its okay to me.
scolding is to tell you that you must work hard to achieve.
i know when im in primary5.
i am so dump can.
its mean stupid also la.
i must pass because of math only.
i am weak in math.
i know that.
last time in pri5.
i always get 15/70.
something like that. like watever.
i dun care a bit.
but after he teach me.
i was like loving the math subject.
last year test that he gave me.
i simply get 50+/100.
thats good enough.
im happy.
when it comes to secondary life!
the math is EASY.
i can say that.
sometime barhh.
test i always get high marks!
yay yay!
and then when finish talking to him.
i when home for awhile.
i change clothes and come to jing shan primary again.
because i wan to fetch my nephew.
3pm. i nephew come out of the school already.
and then go home lor.
reach home already.
my big sister tell me that she wanna bring his son go out.
his son is my nephew la.
and then at 4plus.
i was at home alone untill 8plus.
then i watch tv&play comp.
after that my mother come back home lorr.
eat , watch tv, do homework & then sleep.
like that only.
okay Done! Finish writing already.
thats all! [:
takecare people! ;