17.8.06&18.8.06 thursdae&fridae.

` so gudd p1 to p5 dunchh nidd to qo to sk0ol dherhhs.LOL.
` urms.wokeupp at 6am.bathe.eat breakfast.qo oudd of the hse at 6.50am.n dhen take 88 to central n dhen qo take 265 to sk0ol lorhhs.reach sk0ol at 7.20am.dhen sitt widd wanling and others.ahahs.7.30am qo upp to hall.we sit at the place dat we suppose to sit lorhhs.n dhen sit at the floor.hurhurs.teachers wann to check to confirm dat we din brinqq hp and mp3 player.ahhas.7.45am we qo to the waitinq room.n dhen wait wait wait wait ferr my turn.wen it is my turn.ii qo oudd andd sit at the chair andd read the passage.my turn is at 9.10am.n dhen ii qo to the classroom.dere are two examiners frm other sk0ol teachers.ii was so nervous.n suddenly ii feel relax.cos the oral passage and the picture conversation is so easy.ahahs.ii finishh the oral at 9.2oam.n dhen ii qo to the AVA room.to take the attendance.after datt.ii sit bhindd.and keep quiet lyk shit.so siann sia.we are nortt allowed to qo hme till all the p6 pples finishh their oral.n dhen ii move infrontt.n dhen jane sae "FARHANA!". lols.so we tok tok tok lorhhs.verii boredd wadd.wenn all the p6 pple finishh their oral.we cn GO HME!hurhurs.miie,wanling&jane wen oudd together at 10am.we were walkinq near the coffee shopp.n dhen suddenly zhenxuan sae "eeeewww.crazy gals.and ue all suxx!"siao hor they all.we nbr even disturb dem nehhs.n dhenn the jeremy sae"eeeww.JANE LYK GHOST.and ue all suxx!"walao.crazyy sia jeremy.everiidae sae lyk dat wann dherhh larhhs.so wanling sae _ _ _ _ _ _ suxx! surely the jeremy will gett angry dherhhs.lols.ahhas.gudd lorhhs.disturbb us ferr NO reason.FCUK UH!LOL.n dhen we qo to jane hse first.ahahs.after dat we qo oudd and eat noodles and buy bubble tea widd pearl.
so nice.mie,wanling&jane was so hungry.budd jane eat so fast yet we slow eat.jane buy the noodles inside qortt so many.still cn eat so fast.ahhas.ibb jane is hungry she will suerly eat verii damn fast.hurhurs.wen we all finish eatinqq.we qo walk walk.after dat qo to jane hse aqain.we wen there to play play widd her small brother.so cutte lehhs.budd he keep shoutinq and shoutinq so loud.ahhas.n dhen 1.00++ we qo dwnstairs at the playground.wen mie&wanlinq wan to qo.jane baby brother.dunchh let us qo dherhhs.n dhen its tym to let jane baby brother to slp.after dat we sae "BYEBYE."n dhen the baby wann to qo oudd oso.n dhen jane's maid dunchh let him oudd.so wen we were oudsite the hse.we heardd.the baby cryinqq.so kelian.ahahs.budd he is verii naughty.always slap miie and wanlinqq.n dhen laugh.((: lols.qo to the playqround.sit there.till it is qoinq to be 2pm.n dhen mie,jane&wanlinq.wen hme.wen ii reach hme.nobody was in my hse.so siann.so ii change my clothes.bathe.watch tv.play compp.and dats all.ahhas.((:
` ffarhhana__**
thanks ferr readinqq yarhhs.((:
` tdy!((:
urms.same tinqq ii do wen ii wakeupp in the morninq.ahahs.blah blah blah blah!thursdae same tinqq wen ii qo sk0ol.ii am number 4.my oral start at 8.00am.finish oral at 8.15am.wen finish qo to AVA room.take attendance.n dhen we watch movie.till 10.05am.tired.budd the show was fun.ahahs.all the p6 pple cum already and dhen qo hme lorhhs.ii qo hme first.change clothes.wanling oso change clothes.budd jane nbr change.ahahs.n dhen qo oudd lorhhs.miit wanlinq and jane.hurhurs.n dhen qo to jane hse aqain.YAY!cn see her baby brother aqain.we wen to jane hse.play widd her baby brother aqain.he slap us aqain.veri PAIN sia.n dhen he keep throw tinqs.jane get angry and sae "DUNCHH PLAY PLAY ANIMORE." n dhen ii sae "WOW!JANE SO ANGRY SIA.RELAX UH!"ahhas.so jane laugh.a dhen blahh blahh blahh!hurhurs.its tym ferr jane baby brother to slp.ahahs.so he slp lorhhs.we take pics.ahhas.after dat we qo dwnstairs the playgroundd aqain.we qo there.take pics.andd sit sit.n dhen mie&wanling buy drinks.qo to the playground aqain andd take pics.ahahs.2pm qo hme lorhhs.qo hme.bathe.eat.watch tv.play comp.
urms.dats all.((:
` ffarhhana___**
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