wokeupp at 6am . bathe . eat breakfast . qo to school . reach school sit widd my frens . qo to the parade square . andd dhen sinq national anthem . qo to my classroom . qo to the em2 class dherhhs . qortt social studies&health education exam . hurhurs . so easy nerhhs . n dhenn qo to recess . cum bck to class . MR MOK tok to us sumtinqq . n dhen our chinese teacher ask us to carry our tables and chairs n put it in the ART ROOM . ahhas . so tiredd sial . run here run dere . lyk crazy . we carry many tables and chairs sia . and dhen help MDM EVA to do sumtinq . throw paper andd other tinqs lorhhs . hahas . wen finishh doinq . MR MOK gibb us rest . MR MOK open the aircon . so nice . hurhurs . 1.15pm endd school liaos . n dhen ii qo hme . change clothes . bathe . qo oudd . meet wan ling and jane at junction 8 . ahahs . ii cum to j8 so fast sia . n dhen ii mus wait ferr dem at neo print . muahhas . wen they cum . we walk walk lorhhs . qo drink . n dhen blah blah blah . ahhas . qo to jane hse for awhile . n dhen qo hme at 6pm . qo hme . study my eng . watch tv . qo eat dinner . play comp . qo watch tv again . till 10pm . after dat slp lerhhs . hurhurs . dats all . xDD
` takekare peeps . ((:
` lloves *
` friday
wokeupp at 6am . bathe . eat breakfast . qo to skool . qo to the parade square . readd our book . n dhen qo to ART ROOM . n dhen start our math exam at 8.15am . till 10.15am lorhhs . n dhen 10.45am qo to recess . onlie p6 pple qo to recess at 10.45am dherhhs . hurhurs . n dhen finish exam . qo to music room . qortt aircon . so relaxinq . ahhas . qo there MR MOK tok tok . n dhen the 6/4em3 cum to our class . n dhen our frens tell us a story . n dhen we laugh laugh laugh lyk crazy sia . no nidd studiie jus now . ahhas . finish school . qo to jane hse first . n dhen qo oudd . to eat andd drink . while we are walkinq . we saw jun jie,choon weng and others . jun jie callinq JANE name nehhs . ahahs . n dhen ii sae to jane maybe jun jie lyk her . LOL . hurhurs . n dhen qo to playground . saw neng xian , shao jie andd shu hui . n dhen play widd dem for awhile . lame . play stupidd game . ((x ahhas . n dhen qo to jane hse play wid her lil bro hanhan.((:
n dhen qo hme lorhhs . hurhurs . qo hme . bathe . watch tv . play comp . n dhen at nite slp .
LOL . dats all .
` ffarhana . <3