23NOVEMBER2006PSLE RESULT ! x(im scared lurhh .WISH ME GOOD LUCK ALRIGHTS ?THANK YOU . LOL .arghhh !!!!!!! i very nervous+scaredd larhh :(HELP ME ! PLEASE ! I WAN TO PASS MY PSLE NEHH . CAN CAN ?? lalalas ~hais . still very nervous larhh . ENGLISH IS ALRIGHT .MATH I DUNNOE . MAYBE GONNA PASS . MAYBE NOT .nooooooooooooooooo ! cannot fail can ! hahahhaha . xDGOOD LUCK FOR MYSELF YEAHH . SURE CAN PASS WAN UHH . RIGHTS PEOPLE ?hahas . okkays . thats all . my psle result is coming soon lerr .im super nervous . lalallalalallalals !~takecares & goodnight !lovessssssssss :DDDDDD` Farhana <3333
` wednesday (:today is fun . haha . when out with kelly jie , enaa sis , taizii & gideon . kelly go to our house at 4.00 like that . and then kelly jie , my sis & me go out . we going to hougang to meet gideon and taizii . we reach there at 5.14pm . i saw gideon and taizi . hahas . gideon is super tall lurhhs . im so short like hell . xDwe go there go here . and walk walk . and then gideon go home lerr . at 6+pm .after that left me , kelly jie , taizi & my sis . and then we walk here walk there again . hoho .at 8pm+ we go home . take cab go home lorr . very late lerr . haha . and then go home . eat , watch tv . & sleep norr . so tired . (xbut its fun . hahhas . (:` farhana .